If your job has you sitting at a desk all day, you might be struggling to fit your recommended physical activity into your day. Maybe you’re one of those crazy mofos that rocks into work in your lycra, fresh (or unfresh) off the bike, still wearing your helmet. Or perhaps you power walk into the office in your active wear with your yoga mat tucked under your arm.
If that’s not you, maybe you need a little help fitting some incidental exercise into your day. Don’t worry, I got you! Try to incorporate these 5 exercises into your day at the office and turn your workplace into a Twerkplace:
1. Take the steps not the elevator
This is an easy one. If your work is on the 35th floor then maybe just take 5 floors of stairs and try to increase it by a floor every few days.
2. Lunge your way to the water fountain
It will give you something to gossip about once you get there- the glute burn! Take hand weights with you for extra 80’s aerobics points. Ham it up to entertain your colleagues by also chucking on some sweat bands every time you do it.
3. No instant messages in the office
Make it a calorie burning message and get up out of your chair, walk to your colleague talk to them face to face. Come on lazy-pants!
4. Get a hula hoop in the office
Rival the Google offices by bringing some fun, active options into your workplace. Every boss needs to consider the physical and mental health of their staff so if you’re the boss, provide some fun active options in the office for when staff need a quick brain break. Let them stop work for just 5 minutes to spin a hula hoop or something else fun and physical, then come back to their desk mentally refreshed and feeling happy and motivated. If you’re not the boss, pass this on and tell them what’s up. We can hook you up with a hoop!
5. Get a standing desk
I upgraded to one of these this year to combat neck/shoulder pain and I can’t tell you how much I love it. I put on the tunes and twerk while I werk. Not only is it much better for my posture, I get to shake my booty while I’m working. Office work has never been so fun!
So there you have it. Now there’s no excuse to not Werq.It.Out at werq. If your work team are fun and adventurous, I dare you to gather around the biggest screen in your office and try our ‘Middle-Age Spreadsheet’ Office Werqout. It features hilarious moves you can relate to such as ‘dodging the boss’ and ‘climbing the corporate ladder’. So grab your team together right now and Let’s Get Physical!
Written by Jane Fondle
Boss Lady at Hoops, Thighs & Buttocks